Alzheimer’s Disease von Karl Herholz | A Brief Review | ISBN 9783940615022

Alzheimer’s Disease

A Brief Review

von Karl Herholz und Pat Zanzonico
Autor / AutorinKarl Herholz
Autor / AutorinPat Zanzonico
Buchcover Alzheimer’s Disease | Karl Herholz | EAN 9783940615022 | ISBN 3-940615-02-1 | ISBN 978-3-940615-02-2

Alzheimer’s Disease

A Brief Review

von Karl Herholz und Pat Zanzonico
Autor / AutorinKarl Herholz
Autor / AutorinPat Zanzonico
Alzheimer’s Disease has rapidly emerged as a major public-health issue throughout the world. In the United States, for example, it is estimated that there are currently over five million individuals living with AD, with associated health care costs in access of US$100 billion annually.
This booklet gives a quick overview for non-neurologists, with emphasis on the new diagnostic tools. The use of these new imaging procedures and specific contrast media shows very clearly that there is an opportunity to detect changes in the brain which precede the symptoms of cognitive impairment.
Such techniques will certainly lead to the appearance of earlier and more targeted interventions.