The Kundalini Yoga Posture Manual von Gurudass Kaur Khalsa | A Comprehensive guide to practicing and teaching the Kundalini Yoga Postures | ISBN 9783941566262

The Kundalini Yoga Posture Manual

A Comprehensive guide to practicing and teaching the Kundalini Yoga Postures

von Gurudass Kaur Khalsa und Jenny Radha Kirin Arrington
Autor / AutorinGurudass Kaur Khalsa
Autor / AutorinJenny Radha Kirin Arrington
Buchcover The Kundalini Yoga Posture Manual | Gurudass Kaur Khalsa | EAN 9783941566262 | ISBN 3-941566-26-1 | ISBN 978-3-941566-26-2
Innenansicht 1
Yoga-Praktihzierende aller Level, Yoga-Lehrer/innen, Yogalehrer-Ausbilder/innen
„I am really amazed by the quality of this book which is suitable as much for beginners and practicionners, as for advanced students, teachers and even trainers. I’ve been waiting for such a book for so long! It offers so many precisions on the postures, how to enter the Asana, the do’s and don’ts, the effects and also some very congruent variations. It is complete, clear, with a very light and sober layout and beautiful pictures. I am deeply grateful to both authors whose work and dedication will help so many in deepening their practice of Kundalini Yoga postures with the right tool!“ – Avtar Kaur (France), International KRI Teacher Trainer
„Ich bin fasziniert von der Qualität dieses Buches, das sowohl für Anfänger und Yoga-Praktizierende wie auch für Fortgeschrittene, Lehrer und sogar Ausbilder geeignet ist. Ich habe so lange auf ein solches Buch gewartet! Es bietet so viele Präzisierungen in Bezug auf die Körperhaltungen, wie man in eine Asana hinein geht, die Do's und Don'ts, die Effekte und auch einige sehr kongruente Variationen. Es ist vollständig, präzise, mit einem sehr hellen und klaren Layout und schönen Bildern. Ich bin beiden Autorinnen zutiefst dankbar, deren Arbeit und Engagement so vielen dabei helfen wird, ihre Praxis der Kundalini Yoga-Haltungen mit dem richtigen Werkzeug zu vertiefen!“ - Avtar Kaur (Frankreich), Internationale KRI-Lehrerausbilderin.

The Kundalini Yoga Posture Manual

A Comprehensive guide to practicing and teaching the Kundalini Yoga Postures

von Gurudass Kaur Khalsa und Jenny Radha Kirin Arrington
Autor / AutorinGurudass Kaur Khalsa
Autor / AutorinJenny Radha Kirin Arrington
The Kundalini Yoga Posture Manual has been written with the Level 1 Teacher Trainee and practicing teachers in mind but is also accessible to any yoga practitioner. This is a beautifully illustrated tool to delve deeper into the most common Kundalini Yoga postures, learn modifications, variations, and common mistakes. There is an emphasis on specific cueing to help the teacher and practitioner make the adjustments necessary to maximize the benefits of the postures while keeping them safe. (Language in the book: English)
Done correctly, Kundalini Yoga is remarkably powerful in helping practitioners come face to face with their best, highest selves. It goes way beyond posing for a pretty picture. Kundalini Yoga builds strength, flexibility, resilience, healthy glandular function, a strong nervous system and improved brain chemistry, which are all keys to a healthy, long, life. This manual will give you a boost in your practice, propping up your understanding of the postures, and giving you the confidence to grow safely.