The rise of the Palace State von Ihsan Gümüs | Turkey under the state of emergency | ISBN 9783946871217

The rise of the Palace State

Turkey under the state of emergency

von Ihsan Gümüs
Autor / AutorinIhsan Gümüs
ChefredaktionOguzhan Albayrak
Leitender Herausgeber / leitende HerausgeberinArhan Kardas
Designed vonOnur Alka
Buchcover The rise of the Palace State | Ihsan Gümüs | EAN 9783946871217 | ISBN 3-946871-21-6 | ISBN 978-3-946871-21-7

The rise of the Palace State

Turkey under the state of emergency

von Ihsan Gümüs
Autor / AutorinIhsan Gümüs
ChefredaktionOguzhan Albayrak
Leitender Herausgeber / leitende HerausgeberinArhan Kardas
Designed vonOnur Alka
The present volume by İhsan Gümüş, an author who, in a situation of persecution and oppression, writes under a pseudonym, is a collection of articles which were published on the website Platform for Peace and Justice in 2017 and 2018. They focus on the political development in Turkey following the military action, or attempted coup, on 15 July 2016 and the corruption as well as the human rights abuses against different groups.
No democracy, no constitutional system that is orientated towards the protection of human rights can work ‘without the support of a strong, popular culture of liberty’. The book by İhsan Gümüş has the potential to motivate people who want to live in freedom and want to see others live in freedom to overcome moral obtuseness.