AZ Germany von Günther Nonnenmacher | 26 essentials you need to know about Germany | ISBN 9783947845040

AZ Germany

26 essentials you need to know about Germany

von Günther Nonnenmacher
Buchcover AZ Germany | Günther Nonnenmacher | EAN 9783947845040 | ISBN 3-947845-04-9 | ISBN 978-3-947845-04-0
people interested in German history, pupils, students, tourists

AZ Germany

26 essentials you need to know about Germany

von Günther Nonnenmacher
Germany, an introduction. German poets and thinkers, scientists and engineers have brought great esteem to their country. For a long time, absolutist monarchs prevented the development of a democratic nation state, and then Hitler plunged Germany into war and inflicted untold suffering on millions of people in Europe. History has left deep traces. Those wishing to understand modern-day Germany would be well advised to also take a look at the past. Günther Nonnenmacher tells the history of a diverse country in 26 keywords starting with A for “Adenauer”, through “Federalism”, “Heidelberg”, “Luther”, “National Socialism”, “Versailles” and “Wirtschaftswunder/economic miracle”, to Z for “Zuwanderung/immigration”.