Monetary-fiscal interaction and quantitative easing von Josef Hollmayr | ISBN 9783957295286

Monetary-fiscal interaction and quantitative easing

von Josef Hollmayr und Michael Kühl
Autor / AutorinJosef Hollmayr
Autor / AutorinMichael Kühl
Buchcover Monetary-fiscal interaction and quantitative easing | Josef Hollmayr | EAN 9783957295286 | ISBN 3-95729-528-9 | ISBN 978-3-95729-528-6

Monetary-fiscal interaction and quantitative easing

von Josef Hollmayr und Michael Kühl
Autor / AutorinJosef Hollmayr
Autor / AutorinMichael Kühl
This paper analyzes the monetary-fiscal interaction if the central bank conducts quantitative easing. Although asset purchases have similar effects on the real economy under monetary and fiscal dominance, wealth effects yield a qualitatively different response on the rate of inflation. Our results show that under fiscal dominance, unconventional monetary policy has similar effects to conventional monetary policy on inflation because these wealth effects exert downward pressure on prices. The longer the average maturity, the more volatile is the transmission of quantitative easing to the real economy.