Tamina Amadyar. Big Blue Sky | Ausst. Kat. Kunstverein Reutlingen, 2018 | ISBN 9783960983866

Tamina Amadyar. Big Blue Sky

Ausst. Kat. Kunstverein Reutlingen, 2018

herausgegeben von Christian Malycha
Herausgegeben vonChristian Malycha
Beiträge vonJana Baumann
Beiträge vonFlorian Illies
Beiträge vonChristian Malycha
Buchcover Tamina Amadyar. Big Blue Sky  | EAN 9783960983866 | ISBN 3-96098-386-7 | ISBN 978-3-96098-386-6

Tamina Amadyar. Big Blue Sky

Ausst. Kat. Kunstverein Reutlingen, 2018

herausgegeben von Christian Malycha
Herausgegeben vonChristian Malycha
Beiträge vonJana Baumann
Beiträge vonFlorian Illies
Beiträge vonChristian Malycha
In utter clarity, simple, immediate Tamina Amadyar’s colour is there. Openly, it stands upon the bare canvas. Radiantly light, almost levitating colour after colour transcends its material restraints. Her paintings are made from nothing but the motions of colour and the movements of her sentiment. Tamina Amadyar paints from memory. Hidden within and simultaneously revealed by colour she lets places, everyday situations, or climes of landscape shine as shimmering visions. A self-confident horizon of aesthetic experience that turns her painting into an enormous resonant space. A painterly space, worldful, in which nothing is lost.