Essays on Individual Savings Accounts in the Presence of Migration von Christian Bruno Stephan Metzner | ISBN 9783965481299

Essays on Individual Savings Accounts in the Presence of Migration

von Christian Bruno Stephan Metzner
Buchcover Essays on Individual Savings Accounts in the Presence of Migration | Christian Bruno Stephan Metzner | EAN 9783965481299 | ISBN 3-96548-129-0 | ISBN 978-3-96548-129-9
Inhaltsverzeichnis 1

Essays on Individual Savings Accounts in the Presence of Migration

von Christian Bruno Stephan Metzner
Social insurance via individual savings accounts (ISA) strives to provide the same level of protection as a tax-financed benefit system, however with less companying downsides. The idea of personal accounts is relatively simple mechanism which results multifaceted consequences and advantages including a large variety of opportunities.
The general mechanism of the ISA system works as follows: Each individual holds a personal account which collects all contributions paid by this individual. The mandatory contribution rate replaces a part of the taxpayer’s annual tax bill or of the current social ecurity contributions. It is calculated as a share of the income. All benefits received by the individual in her life are debited from this account. This way, self-insurance is introduced to finance at least parts of the benefits by ISA.