Didacticism, Literature and Translation: The Transmission of Knowledge in the Middle Ages | ISBN 9783967280678

Didacticism, Literature and Translation: The Transmission of Knowledge in the Middle Ages

herausgegeben von Tomàs Martínez Romero und Lidón Prades Yerves
Herausgegeben vonTomàs Martínez Romero
Herausgegeben vonLidón Prades Yerves
Buchcover Didacticism, Literature and Translation: The Transmission of Knowledge in the Middle Ages  | EAN 9783967280678 | ISBN 3-96728-067-5 | ISBN 978-3-96728-067-8

Didacticism, Literature and Translation: The Transmission of Knowledge in the Middle Ages

herausgegeben von Tomàs Martínez Romero und Lidón Prades Yerves
Herausgegeben vonTomàs Martínez Romero
Herausgegeben vonLidón Prades Yerves
The nineteen research works included in this volume approach the transmission of knowledge in the Middle Ages from a variety of perspectives. Among these, particular attention is paid to the ways in which ideas were conveyed in didactic works, literature—understood in a broad sense—and translations. The different actors involved in the transmission process (authors, audiences, commissioners, owners) as well as their role in the dissemination of knowledge are also placed at the centre of this work.