Waters von Sara Wolfsberger | A Poetic Voyage | ISBN 9783991650508


A Poetic Voyage

von Sara Wolfsberger
Buchcover Waters | Sara Wolfsberger | EAN 9783991650508 | ISBN 3-99165-050-9 | ISBN 978-3-99165-050-8


A Poetic Voyage

von Sara Wolfsberger
'Waters' is a lyrical odyssey through the tumultuous waters of life, navigating the stormy seas of difficult breakups, friendships tested by time, and the powers and pains of self-discovery.
Each poem is a time capsule, capturing the essence of growing pains and the relentless pursuit of understanding.
As you turn the pages of 'Waters', let the poems become a symphony of emotions, weaving seamlessly into the fabric of your own narrative. This collection is an invitation to discover the universality of human experience, to see yourself reflected in the verses, and to find solace in the shared echoes of our collective stories. Thank you for embarking on this poetic voyage—may 'Waters' become a cherished companion in your own quest for meaning and self-discovery.