Mark of Toledo: Intellectual Context and Debates between Christians and Muslims in Early Thirteenth Century Iberia (Serie Arabica Veritas, Band 4) | ISBN 9788499276670

Mark of Toledo: Intellectual Context and Debates between Christians and Muslims in Early Thirteenth Century Iberia (Serie Arabica Veritas, Band 4)

Buchcover Mark of Toledo: Intellectual Context and Debates between Christians and Muslims in Early Thirteenth Century Iberia (Serie Arabica Veritas, Band 4)  | EAN 9788499276670 | ISBN 84-9927-667-9 | ISBN 978-84-9927-667-0

Mark of Toledo: Intellectual Context and Debates between Christians and Muslims in Early Thirteenth Century Iberia (Serie Arabica Veritas, Band 4)

Quelle:, abgerufen am 15.06.2024 22:31:35