Puppets Unlimited von Gita Wolf | With Everyday Materials | ISBN 9789383145669

Puppets Unlimited

With Everyday Materials

von Gita Wolf und Anushka Ravishankar
Autor / AutorinGita Wolf
Autor / AutorinAnushka Ravishankar
Buchcover Puppets Unlimited | Gita Wolf | EAN 9789383145669 | ISBN 93-83145-66-8 | ISBN 978-93-83145-66-9

Puppets Unlimited

With Everyday Materials

von Gita Wolf und Anushka Ravishankar
Autor / AutorinGita Wolf
Autor / AutorinAnushka Ravishankar
Anything can be turned into a puppet, you just need to know how! Based on the principles taught by traditional Indian puppeteers, each puppet in this jolly book has been made from simple everyday material. It proves that once you know the basics, it is accidents, discoveries and a sense of humour which let you create a puppet.