THE KEEPERS OF UKRONIA von Karina Sema | ISBN 9791220121040


von Karina Sema
Buchcover THE KEEPERS OF UKRONIA | Karina Sema | EAN 9791220121040 | ISBN 979-12-2012104-0 | ISBN 979-12-2012104-0


von Karina Sema
There you go. Happy birthday, little girl.” He passed her the present. Madeline grabbed it and saw a black ink pen in her hands. On one of its sides, she found a writing “Magic”. “Thank you, daddy!” The girl chuckled. “Whenever you write with it, the magic of your words will be revealed!” “Magic of my words? What magic?” “There are words that mean a lot. There’re letters which change people’s lives. There are books that make people feel different. Not only do actions have values, but words do too!”
In her eleventh year, magic reveals itself to Madeline, opening the door to a new world. Despite her misadventures, a new life awaits the young witch in the world of Ukronia. New friends, but above all new powers and new responsibilities. With the guidance of the wise Asteria, will Madeline be able to master her element? This first book in the saga guides the readers on an exciting adventure.