Psychische Störungen bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern von Margarete Bolten | ISBN 9783170362932

Psychische Störungen bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern

von Margarete Bolten
Autor / AutorinMargarete Bolten
Reihe herausgegeben vonTina In-Albon
Reihe herausgegeben vonHanna Christiansen
Reihe herausgegeben vonChristina Schwenck
Buchcover Psychische Störungen bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern | Margarete Bolten | EAN 9783170362932 | ISBN 3-17-036293-3 | ISBN 978-3-17-036293-2

Psychische Störungen bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern

von Margarete Bolten
Autor / AutorinMargarete Bolten
Reihe herausgegeben vonTina In-Albon
Reihe herausgegeben vonHanna Christiansen
Reihe herausgegeben vonChristina Schwenck
Even very young children may show behavioural problems & especially those that are known as ? regulation disorders=, i. e. crying, sleeping and feeding disorders. Parents and caregivers are often pushed to their limits, endangering the relationship with the child during this vulnerable phase of development. This can result in long-term negative developmental courses, so that early treatment of behavioural problems in infancy and early childhood has a high preventive value. This book presents the most common psychological disorders in early childhood. In addition to the typical symptoms, the conditions that give rise to these and specific therapeutic approaches are also discussed.