Berlin Coffee Shop - Episode 3 von Gerlis Zillgens | Ariel's Crew | ISBN 9783732500758

Berlin Coffee Shop - Episode 3

Ariel's Crew

von Gerlis Zillgens, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Sharmila Cohen
Buchcover Berlin Coffee Shop - Episode 3 | Gerlis Zillgens | EAN 9783732500758 | ISBN 3-7325-0075-6 | ISBN 978-3-7325-0075-8

Berlin Coffee Shop - Episode 3

Ariel's Crew

von Gerlis Zillgens, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Sharmila Cohen

Follow Sandra and friends as they navigate life, love, and their late-twenties in Germany's hip Berlin.

Thanks to Sandra, Tassilo is finally able to fulfill his brother's last wish. As a token of thanks, he invites Sandra, Nils, Captain, Claudi, and Oliver onto his boat. Within the confines of the ship, the harmonies and discord between the crew bubble to the surface. On the behalf of her new client, Sandra sets out on a search to „find the perfect man“ for said client. But how, she wonders, can she find the perfect man for someone else when she can't even do it for herself? Once again, Nils comes to the rescue, but this time he doesn't know it yet.

The Coffee Shop - a cozy café in Germany's capital, Berlin - just happens to be the best office in the world. From here, Sandra practices her quirky trade as a „finder-of things.“ She caters to customers who have lost or want to find something that's missing from their lives. Doric Colums as an engagement gift? Check. Missing childhood photos? Done. But in her quest to grant other people's wishes, Sandra suddenly finds herself in search of her own happiness - and of herself. Toss in a dead goose, and it's the perfect recipe for romantic disaster.

Berlin Coffee Shop is a new digital serial novel for fans of „Sex and the City,“ „Friends,“ and „How I met your Mother.“ The story is told in six parts, as each novella builds upon the next.

Berlin Coffee Shop is produced by German publishing house, Bastei Luebbe in cooperation with TV production company Saxonia Media GmbH. Author Gerlis Zillgens lives in Germany and has written novels and screenplays and developed TV series.