Uncovered - Colours of Love von Kathryn Taylor | ISBN 9783732504183

Uncovered - Colours of Love

von Kathryn Taylor
Buchcover Uncovered - Colours of Love | Kathryn Taylor | EAN 9783732504183 | ISBN 3-7325-0418-2 | ISBN 978-3-7325-0418-3

Uncovered - Colours of Love

von Kathryn Taylor

She's fallen for him - hook, line, and sinker. Grace knows exactly how dangerous her feelings for Jonathan Huntington are, but her love for him nevertheless grows stronger each day she spends near him. Is he really as indifferent as he seems? Does Jonathan only see her as a willing plaything? When Grace tries to force him into showing his true colors, it leads to disaster ...

If you love E. L. James' „Fifty Shades of Grey“ and Silvia Day's „Crossfire“ series, then COLOURS OF LOVE will thrill your desire for sensual romance.

Even as a little girl, Kathryn Taylor wanted to write. She published her first story at age 11. After a few detours in life, she found her own happily ever after. Her first novel, UNBOUND: COLOURS OF LOVE was a success with readers and critics alike. She has continued the series with UNCOVERED and UNLEASHED. Two more novels, SEDUCED and SURRENDERED are slated for publication in 2017.