Audit Checklist ISO 50001 (E-Book, PDF) von Peter Maczey | ISBN 9783824915804

Audit Checklist ISO 50001 (E-Book, PDF)

von Peter Maczey und Martin Myska
Autor / AutorinPeter Maczey
Autor / AutorinMartin Myska
Buchcover Audit Checklist ISO 50001 (E-Book, PDF) | Peter Maczey | EAN 9783824915804 | ISBN 3-8249-1580-4 | ISBN 978-3-8249-1580-4

Energiemanagement-Beauftragte, Umweltmanagement-Beauftragte

Audit Checklist ISO 50001 (E-Book, PDF)

von Peter Maczey und Martin Myska
Autor / AutorinPeter Maczey
Autor / AutorinMartin Myska
More and more companies are currently using an energy management system conforming to ISO 50001. The structure of the standard corresponds to that of ISO 9001 (Quality Management) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and can therefore be easily integrated in existing environmental or quality management systems. In this audit check list (see Excel file attached), ISO 50001 is shown with individual sections in the form of questions and these are then explained. With the aid of the check list, it is possible to „tick off“ all open items during the introduction of the energy management system and it also serves as a sound basis for internal audits.