Borders of Violence | The EU’s Undeclared War on Refugees | ISBN 9783862414956

Borders of Violence

The EU’s Undeclared War on Refugees

übersetzt von Helen Ferguson
Buchcover Borders of Violence  | EAN 9783862414956 | ISBN 3-86241-495-7 | ISBN 978-3-86241-495-6

Borders of Violence

The EU’s Undeclared War on Refugees

übersetzt von Helen Ferguson
Ten years after being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its “successful struggle for peace and human rights,” the European Union has created the world’s deadliest border with its paramilitary crackdown on people seeking protection as they flee, turning the Mediterranean into a mass grave. Tens of thousands of people who could not be kept out, from infants to the elderly, have been locked up for years in internment camps by the EU regents. And Europeans who rescue shipwrecked people in dire need are put on trial. This book meticulously takes stock of the systematics of daily crimes against humanity. Thus it becomes an indictment against the Nobel Peace Prize winner EU.