All Life Is Yoga: Towards a Beautiful Future von Sri Aurobindo | The Supramental World | ISBN 9783963871092

All Life Is Yoga: Towards a Beautiful Future

The Supramental World

von Sri Aurobindo und The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
Autor / AutorinSri Aurobindo
Autor / AutorinThe (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
Buchcover All Life Is Yoga: Towards a Beautiful Future | Sri Aurobindo | EAN 9783963871092 | ISBN 3-96387-109-1 | ISBN 978-3-96387-109-2

All Life Is Yoga: Towards a Beautiful Future

The Supramental World

von Sri Aurobindo und The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
Autor / AutorinSri Aurobindo
Autor / AutorinThe (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
To celebrate the birth of a transitory body can satisfy some faithful feelings. To celebrate the manifestation of the eternal Consciousness can be done at every moment of the universal history. But to celebrate the advent of a new world, the supramental world, is a marvellous and exceptional privilege. (The Mother)