All Life Is Yoga: A Call to the Youth von Sri Aurobindo | ISBN 9783963871597

All Life Is Yoga: A Call to the Youth

von Sri Aurobindo und The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
Autor / AutorinSri Aurobindo
Autor / AutorinThe (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
Buchcover All Life Is Yoga: A Call to the Youth | Sri Aurobindo | EAN 9783963871597 | ISBN 3-96387-159-8 | ISBN 978-3-96387-159-7

All Life Is Yoga: A Call to the Youth

von Sri Aurobindo und The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
Autor / AutorinSri Aurobindo
Autor / AutorinThe (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
“In a profound sense it is the call and attraction of the future that makes the past and present, and that future will be more and more seen to be the growth of the godhead in the human being which is the high fate of this race that thinks and wills and labours towards its own perfection. This is a strain that we shall hear more and more, the song of the growing godhead of the kind, of human unity, of spiritual freedom, of the coming supermanhood of man, of the divine ideal seeking to actualise itself in the life of the earth, of the call to the individual to rise to his godlike possibility and to the race to live in the greatness of that which humanity feels within itself as a power of the spirit which it has to deliver into some yet ungrasped perfect form of clearness.” (Sri Aurobindo) “To be young is to live in the future for the future. To be young is to be always ready to abandon what one is in order to become what one ought to be…. And above all, the most important: To be young is never to admit the irreparable.” (The Mother)