Person Ashok K. DuttHinweis: Der Name Ashok K. Dutt erscheint bei verschiedenen Verlagen. Es kann sich hierbei um die jeweils selbe Person oder auch um namensgleiche handeln.Ashok K. Dutt bei Springer NetherlandAshok K. Dutt bei Springer International Publishingletzte lieferbare Neuerscheinungen: Urban and Regional Planning and Development20th Century Forms and 21st Century TransformationsSpringer International PublishingSoftcover2021192,59 € Urban and Regional Planning and Development20th Century Forms and 21st Century TransformationsSpringer International PublishingHardcover2020192,59 € Urban and Regional Planning and Development20th Century Forms and 21st Century TransformationsSpringer International PublishingSoftcover2021192,59 € Urban and Regional Planning and Development20th Century Forms and 21st Century TransformationsSpringer International PublishingHardcover2020192,59 € Urban and Regional Planning and Development20th Century Forms and 21st Century TransformationsSpringer International PublishingeBook2020181,89 € Spatial Diversity and Dynamics in Resources and Urban DevelopmentVolume II: Urban DevelopmentSpringer NetherlandSoftcover2019160,49 € Spatial Diversity and Dynamics in Resources and Urban DevelopmentVolume 1: Regional ResourcesSpringer NetherlandSoftcover2016160,49 € Spatial Diversity and Dynamics in Resources and Urban DevelopmentVolume II: Urban DevelopmentSpringer NetherlandHardcover2015160,49 € Spatial Diversity and Dynamics in Resources and Urban DevelopmentVolume II: Urban DevelopmentSpringer NetherlandeBook2015149,79 € Spatial Diversity and Dynamics in Resources and Urban DevelopmentVolume 1: Regional ResourcesSpringer NetherlandHardcover2015160,49 € Spatial Diversity and Dynamics in Resources and Urban DevelopmentVolume 1: Regional ResourcesSpringer NetherlandeBook2015149,79 € Perspectives on Planning and Urban Development in Belgium Springer NetherlandeBook201396,29 €25 Treffer 1 2 3