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Person Peter Schmid

Hinweis: Der Name Peter Schmid erscheint bei verschiedenen Verlagen. Es kann sich hierbei um die jeweils selbe Person oder auch um namensgleiche handeln.

Peter Schmid bei Oertel u. Spörer

Peter Schmid ist 1951 in Renningen geboren. Mit 25 Jahren startete der Küchenmeister und Hotelkaufmann in seinem heutigen Betrieb, dem 4-Sterne-Hotel-Restaurant Graf Eberhard in Bad Urach. Durch seinen Fleiß und sein Engagement für die Region gilt er im Ländle als „Schaffer“. Er ist der Vorsitzende des DEHOGA Baden-Württemberg.

Peter Schmid bei denkhaus Verlag

Bundesbahninspektor Berufsschulleher ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter im Stadtarchiv Blaubeuren

Peter Schmid bei BoD – Books on Demand

As a General Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon the author had set up a Surgical Intensive Care Unit at the University Hospital in Magdeburg after the Berlin Wall fell. He got to know Ballistol and its use for wounds from his nurses in the Intensive Care Unit. They achieved the healing of a complicated infected wound in a septic patient with the use of Ballistol. Since 1991 the author uses Ballistol for himself as a disinfectant and as his only skin care product. As a consultant he used Ballistol in badly infected wounds in horses. Confronted with desperate wound problems and with the consent of his patients, he started using Ballistol in desperate situations. Impressed and encouraged by the effects on wounds, and by the outcome of his critically ill patients, he is now using Ballistol in wounds as a preferred option. This book documents the use of Ballistol for wounds and for skin care. The author did not receive any funding towards the compilation of this book.

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