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Person Powerful Glory

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Powerful Glory bei epubli

The steam really fogged our little kitchen. Because the bath water was too hot at first, my grandma added cold water from the tap The faucet and the pouring were the only water point in the house. More water drinkers and taps could be found in the stable and in the yard When bathing, the temperature was often regulated by pouring hot or cold water At the end of the bathing process, washing your hair was always a special procedure The shampoo came out of a small plastic pillow. One tip of the pillow was cut off with scissors and then when the foam was pressed, it spilled not only onto my hair, but mostly onto my face. Most of all, I was always afraid for my eyes. Every time I shouted: give me a wash Often we were allowed to eat a piece of warm, freshly baked cake before going to bed.

Powerful Glory

The steam really fogged our little kitchen. Because the bath water was too hot at first, my grandma added cold water from the tap The faucet and the pouring were the only water point in the house. More water drinkers and taps could be found in the stable and in the yard When bathing, the temperature was often regulated by pouring hot or cold water At the end of the bathing process, washing your hair was always a special procedure The shampoo came out of a small plastic pillow. One tip of the pillow was cut off with scissors and then when the foam was pressed, it spilled not only onto my hair, but mostly onto my face. Most of all, I was always afraid for my eyes. Every time I shouted: give me a wash Often we were allowed to eat a piece of warm, freshly baked cake before going to bed.

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