Sociology and the World's Religions von M. Hamilton | ISBN 9780333652220

Sociology and the World's Religions

von M. Hamilton
Buchcover Sociology and the World's Religions | M. Hamilton | EAN 9780333652220 | ISBN 0-333-65222-3 | ISBN 978-0-333-65222-0

Sociology and the World's Religions

von M. Hamilton
Sociological and related studies of systems of religion tend to be fragmented. This book brings together and assesses a diverse range of substantive sociological, anthropological and social-psychological scholarship dealing with the broad spectrum of religious belief, experience and behaviour from the work of anthropologists on the religions of tribal and pre-industrial peoples to explorations of the origins, development and impact of the great world religions. The book will have particular appeal not only in the fields of sociology, social anthropology, but also religious studies.