Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development von Michael K Glass | ISBN 9780764557446

Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development

von Michael K Glass und weiteren
Autor / AutorinMichael K Glass
Autor / AutorinYann LeScouarnec
Autor / AutorinElizabeth Naramore
Autor / AutorinGary Mailer
Autor / AutorinJeremy Stolz
Autor / AutorinJason Gerner
Buchcover Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development | Michael K Glass | EAN 9780764557446 | ISBN 0-7645-5744-0 | ISBN 978-0-7645-5744-6

Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development

von Michael K Glass und weiteren
Autor / AutorinMichael K Glass
Autor / AutorinYann LeScouarnec
Autor / AutorinElizabeth Naramore
Autor / AutorinGary Mailer
Autor / AutorinJeremy Stolz
Autor / AutorinJason Gerner
This book guides the reader through the entire process of setting up their own site using the open source AMP model. During the course of the book, several Web sites are created, with common themes, so that the reader may utilize these examples in the real world. The book is multi-platform, and will address installation and usage on both Linux and Windows and can be used as a reference for PHP, MySQL and Apache syntax, functions, and commands.