PHP5 and MySQL Bible von Tim Converse | ISBN 9780764557460

PHP5 and MySQL Bible

von Tim Converse, Joyce Park und Clark Morgan
Autor / AutorinTim Converse
Autor / AutorinJoyce Park
Autor / AutorinClark Morgan
Buchcover PHP5 and MySQL Bible | Tim Converse | EAN 9780764557460 | ISBN 0-7645-5746-7 | ISBN 978-0-7645-5746-0

PHP5 and MySQL Bible

von Tim Converse, Joyce Park und Clark Morgan
Autor / AutorinTim Converse
Autor / AutorinJoyce Park
Autor / AutorinClark Morgan
* This comprehensive tutorial and reference covers all the basics of PHP 5, a popular open source Web scripting language, and MySQL 4.012, the most popular open source database engine
* Explores why users need PHP and MySQL, how to get started, how to add PHP to HTML, and how to connect HTML Web pages to MySQL
* Offers an extensive tutorial for developing applications with PHP and MySQL
* Includes coverage of how to install, administer, and design MySQL databases independently of PHP; exception and error handling; debugging techniques; PostgreSQL database system; and PEAR database functions
* The authors provide unique case studies of how and where to use PHP drawn from their own extensive Web experience