Resource Activation von Christoph Flückiger | Using Clients’ Own Strengths in Psychotherapy and Counseling | ISBN 9780889373785

Resource Activation

Using Clients’ Own Strengths in Psychotherapy and Counseling

von Christoph Flückiger, Günther Wüsten, Richard E. Zinbarg und Bruce E. Wampold
Autor / AutorinChristoph Flückiger
Autor / AutorinGünther Wüsten
Autor / AutorinRichard E. Zinbarg
Autor / AutorinBruce E. Wampold
Buchcover Resource Activation | Christoph Flückiger | EAN 9780889373785 | ISBN 0-88937-378-7 | ISBN 978-0-88937-378-5

Resource Activation

Using Clients’ Own Strengths in Psychotherapy and Counseling

von Christoph Flückiger, Günther Wüsten, Richard E. Zinbarg und Bruce E. Wampold
Autor / AutorinChristoph Flückiger
Autor / AutorinGünther Wüsten
Autor / AutorinRichard E. Zinbarg
Autor / AutorinBruce E. Wampold
This concise practice-oriented manual effectively shows how psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, supervisors, and counselors can quickly identify and put to therapeutic use an individual’s own talents and resources.
Written in an easy and relaxed style using everyday language, this manual illustrates how to actively take a person’s resources into consideration during therapy and counseling sessions, and how to integrate them into existing intervention concepts.
The first part illustrates approaches that can be used to focus attention on assessment and dialog, and that shed light on a person’s individual resources from various angles. These therapeutic approaches can be used in the framework of existing manuals and guidelines to focus on how to “do things.”
The second part illustrates procedures offering a framework for further applying the different perspectives and provides sample worksheets for practical use.