Intellectual Work and the Spirit of Capitalism von Thomas Kemple | Weber's Calling | ISBN 9781137377135

Intellectual Work and the Spirit of Capitalism

Weber's Calling

von Thomas Kemple
Buchcover Intellectual Work and the Spirit of Capitalism | Thomas Kemple | EAN 9781137377135 | ISBN 1-137-37713-5 | ISBN 978-1-137-37713-5

“Anyone who is interested in Max Weber as a person and a scholar should read K.’s provocative and fascinating book.” (Christopher Adair-Toteff, Theological Studies, Vol. 77 (1), 2016)

Intellectual Work and the Spirit of Capitalism

Weber's Calling

von Thomas Kemple
This book offers a unique and accessible way of conceptualizing the vocations of art, science, and politics in the capitalist world through an examination of some neglected features of the work of the scholar who first traced their origins and consequences in 'the West': Max Weber.