Policy Paradigms in Theory and Practice | Discourses, Ideas and Anomalies in Public Policy Dynamics | ISBN 9781137434036

Policy Paradigms in Theory and Practice

Discourses, Ideas and Anomalies in Public Policy Dynamics

herausgegeben von John Hogan und Michael Howlett
Herausgegeben vonJohn Hogan
Herausgegeben vonMichael Howlett
Buchcover Policy Paradigms in Theory and Practice  | EAN 9781137434036 | ISBN 1-137-43403-1 | ISBN 978-1-137-43403-6

Policy Paradigms in Theory and Practice

Discourses, Ideas and Anomalies in Public Policy Dynamics

herausgegeben von John Hogan und Michael Howlett
Herausgegeben vonJohn Hogan
Herausgegeben vonMichael Howlett
The contributors investigate policy paradigms and their ability to explain the policy process actors, ideas, discourses and strategies employed to provide readers with a better understanding of public policy and its dynamics.