Teaching Leadership and Organizational Behavior through Humor | Laughter as the Best Teacher | ISBN 9781349438679

Teaching Leadership and Organizational Behavior through Humor

Laughter as the Best Teacher

herausgegeben von J. Marques, S. Dhiman und J. Biberman
Herausgegeben vonJ. Marques
Herausgegeben vonS. Dhiman
Herausgegeben vonJ. Biberman
Buchcover Teaching Leadership and Organizational Behavior through Humor  | EAN 9781349438679 | ISBN 1-349-43867-7 | ISBN 978-1-349-43867-9

"Finally! A book with serious lessons, presented in a lighthearted, amusing way. This work is perfectly tailored to the needs of current and future generations of learners, who are always searching for a quick but strong message that 'sticks' Humor does! A marvelous idea!„ - Marshall Goldsmith, #1 Leadership Thinker in the World, Harvard Business Review

“Thanks to this wonderful book, Organizational Behavior professors and coaches now have a tool to make their workshops interesting from start to end, and contribute to their audience's health at the same time: through laughter!" - Ian I. Mitroff, author, Dirty Rotten Strategies, and A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America

Teaching Leadership and Organizational Behavior through Humor

Laughter as the Best Teacher

herausgegeben von J. Marques, S. Dhiman und J. Biberman
Herausgegeben vonJ. Marques
Herausgegeben vonS. Dhiman
Herausgegeben vonJ. Biberman
A unique, non-traditional, Organizational Behavioral-oriented book that is geared toward flexible leadership, and that offers a series of funny, yet thought-provoking, motivating, growth-oriented jokes and humor anecdotes that will help readers tap into their internal locus of control.