Reading Karl Polanyi for the Twenty-First Century von A. Bugra | Market Economy as a Political Project | ISBN 9781349539482

Reading Karl Polanyi for the Twenty-First Century

Market Economy as a Political Project

von A. Bugra, K. Agartan und Kenneth A. Loparo
Autor / AutorinA. Bugra
Autor / AutorinK. Agartan
Autor / AutorinKenneth A. Loparo
Buchcover Reading Karl Polanyi for the Twenty-First Century | A. Bugra | EAN 9781349539482 | ISBN 1-349-53948-1 | ISBN 978-1-349-53948-2

"Fruitfully peering into the 'knowledge economy,' intellectual property rights, and the scientific revolution, Bugra and Agartan's book refines Karl Polanyi's framework. The authors venture into issues beyond Polanyi's compass. This critical engagement with his analysis of 'free markets' and moral well-being yields fresh insights into transformative forces today."

- James H. Mittelman, University Professor of International Affairs, American University

Reading Karl Polanyi for the Twenty-First Century

Market Economy as a Political Project

von A. Bugra, K. Agartan und Kenneth A. Loparo
Autor / AutorinA. Bugra
Autor / AutorinK. Agartan
Autor / AutorinKenneth A. Loparo
Using Karl Polanyi's analysis of the separation of politics and the economy, the book argues that the market economy is not a spontaneous process, but a 'political project' realized through institutional change where labour, land, money, and currently knowledge are commodities. The contributions explore the impact of this commodification process.