Critical Perspectives on Private Authority in Global Politics | ISBN 9781403989468

Critical Perspectives on Private Authority in Global Politics

herausgegeben von H. Hansen und D. Salskov-Iversen
Herausgegeben vonH. Hansen
Herausgegeben vonD. Salskov-Iversen
Buchcover Critical Perspectives on Private Authority in Global Politics  | EAN 9781403989468 | ISBN 1-4039-8946-X | ISBN 978-1-4039-8946-8

Critical Perspectives on Private Authority in Global Politics

herausgegeben von H. Hansen und D. Salskov-Iversen
Herausgegeben vonH. Hansen
Herausgegeben vonD. Salskov-Iversen
The proliferation of non-state actors is a notable outcome of globalization, and the conventional belief that associates political authority with the state is being eroded. This volume explores the transformation of political practices to examine the making and contestation of twenty-first century forms of authority.