Pro HTML5 Performance von Jay Bryant | ISBN 9781430245247

Pro HTML5 Performance

von Jay Bryant und Mike Jones
Autor / AutorinJay Bryant
Autor / AutorinMike Jones
Buchcover Pro HTML5 Performance | Jay Bryant | EAN 9781430245247 | ISBN 1-4302-4524-7 | ISBN 978-1-4302-4524-7

Pro HTML5 Performance

von Jay Bryant und Mike Jones
Autor / AutorinJay Bryant
Autor / AutorinMike Jones

Pro HTML5 Performance provides a practical guide to building extremely fast, light-weight and scalable websites using fully standards compliant techniques and best practices. It strikes a balance between imparting best-practice information for when you’re building ground up and instantly applicable techniques to help you solve issues with your existing projects.

In addition to a wealth of tips, tricks and secrets you’ll find advice and code samples that elegantly layout the problems your facing and the best ways of solving them. By reading Pro HTML5 Performance you’ll squeeze every last ounch of performance from your code, giving your applications unrivalled speed and cost-efficiency.