Visual Texture von Michal Haindl | Accurate Material Appearance Measurement, Representation and Modeling | ISBN 9781447149019

Visual Texture

Accurate Material Appearance Measurement, Representation and Modeling

von Michal Haindl und Jiri Filip
Autor / AutorinMichal Haindl
Autor / AutorinJiri Filip
Buchcover Visual Texture | Michal Haindl | EAN 9781447149019 | ISBN 1-4471-4901-7 | ISBN 978-1-4471-4901-9

Visual Texture

Accurate Material Appearance Measurement, Representation and Modeling

von Michal Haindl und Jiri Filip
Autor / AutorinMichal Haindl
Autor / AutorinJiri Filip
This book surveys the state of the art in multidimensional, physically-correct visual texture modeling. Features: reviews the entire process of texture synthesis, including material appearance representation, measurement, analysis, compression, modeling, editing, visualization, and perceptual evaluation; explains the derivation of the most common representations of visual texture, discussing their properties, advantages, and limitations; describes a range of techniques for the measurement of visual texture, including BRDF, SVBRDF, BTF and BSSRDF; investigates the visualization of textural information, from texture mapping and mip-mapping to illumination- and view-dependent data interpolation; examines techniques for perceptual validation and analysis, covering both standard pixel-wise similarity measures and also methods of visual psychophysics; reviews the applications of visual textures, from visual scene analysis in medical applications, to high-quality visualizations in the automotive industry.