Creating New Medical Ontologies for Image Annotation von Liana Stanescu | A Case Study | ISBN 9781461419082

Creating New Medical Ontologies for Image Annotation

A Case Study

von Liana Stanescu, Dumitru Dan Burdescu, Marius Brezovan und Cristian Gabriel Mihai
Autor / AutorinLiana Stanescu
Autor / AutorinDumitru Dan Burdescu
Autor / AutorinMarius Brezovan
Autor / AutorinCristian Gabriel Mihai
Buchcover Creating New Medical Ontologies for Image Annotation | Liana Stanescu | EAN 9781461419082 | ISBN 1-4614-1908-5 | ISBN 978-1-4614-1908-2

Creating New Medical Ontologies for Image Annotation

A Case Study

von Liana Stanescu, Dumitru Dan Burdescu, Marius Brezovan und Cristian Gabriel Mihai
Autor / AutorinLiana Stanescu
Autor / AutorinDumitru Dan Burdescu
Autor / AutorinMarius Brezovan
Autor / AutorinCristian Gabriel Mihai
Creating New Medical Ontologies for Image Annotation focuses on the problem of the medical images automatic annotation process, which is solved in an original manner by the authors. All the steps of this process are described in detail with algorithms, experiments and results. The original algorithms proposed by authors are compared with other efficient similar algorithms.

In addition, the authors treat the problem of creating ontologies in an automatic way, starting from Medical Subject Headings (MESH). They have presented some efficient and relevant annotation models and also the basics of the annotation model used by the proposed system: Cross Media Relevance Models. Based on a text query the system will retrieve the images that contain objects described by the keywords.