Music Interventions for Neurodevelopmental Disorders von Alessandro Antonietti | ISBN 9783030073107

Music Interventions for Neurodevelopmental Disorders

von Alessandro Antonietti, Barbara Colombo und Braelyn R. DeRocher
Autor / AutorinAlessandro Antonietti
Autor / AutorinBarbara Colombo
Autor / AutorinBraelyn R. DeRocher
Buchcover Music Interventions for Neurodevelopmental Disorders | Alessandro Antonietti | EAN 9783030073107 | ISBN 3-030-07310-6 | ISBN 978-3-030-07310-7

Music Interventions for Neurodevelopmental Disorders

von Alessandro Antonietti, Barbara Colombo und Braelyn R. DeRocher
Autor / AutorinAlessandro Antonietti
Autor / AutorinBarbara Colombo
Autor / AutorinBraelyn R. DeRocher

This book explores how music can improve skills that are impaired in some neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), autism, and Rett syndrome. Rehabilitation interventions based on the use of music, termed “music therapy”, are relatively widespread, but not all are supported by empirical evidence. This book offers readers an updated and scientifically grounded perspective on this theory and argues that music can be effective in promoting the acquisition of some basic mental abilities. Chapters present some of the latest research and data on how musical activities can lead children affected by neurodevelopmental disorders to improve those skills, including examples of training programs and exercises. The book will be a valuable resource for therapists, rehabilitators, psychologists, educators, musicians, researchers, as well as anyone interested in exploring the potential in music for human growth.