Teachers and Teaching von Kaustuv Roy | Time and the Creative Tension | ISBN 9783030246693

Teachers and Teaching

Time and the Creative Tension

von Kaustuv Roy
Buchcover Teachers and Teaching | Kaustuv Roy | EAN 9783030246693 | ISBN 3-030-24669-8 | ISBN 978-3-030-24669-3

Teachers and Teaching

Time and the Creative Tension

von Kaustuv Roy

Against the backdrop of a historical debate between science and philosophy with regard to the nature of time, this book argues that our commonsense understanding of time is inadequate—especially for education. Teachers’ work is heavily imbued with the effects of clock time, and yet there is another time— duration —which remains out of sight precisely because our sights are filled with temporal things and projections of futurality. The book rests primarily on Henri Bergson’s work on time, and works toward intuition as phenomenological method for the discovery of a creative time in experience.