Mechanical Properties of Nanomaterials von Joshua Pelleg | ISBN 9783030746544

Mechanical Properties of Nanomaterials

von Joshua Pelleg
Buchcover Mechanical Properties of Nanomaterials | Joshua Pelleg | EAN 9783030746544 | ISBN 3-030-74654-2 | ISBN 978-3-030-74654-4

Mechanical Properties of Nanomaterials

von Joshua Pelleg

This book highlights the mechanical properties of nanomaterials produced by several techniques for various applications. The dislocations observed in specimens obtained in nanomaterials are discussed on the chapter about deformation process. Partial dislocations and grain boundary sliding deformation phenomena in nanomaterial specimens are also deeply discussed.  Tests for tension, compression, and hardness are described.  The behavior of nanomaterials is compared to macrosize specimens, and the results obtained for different fabrication methods are also compared. The special characteristics of nanomaterials are summarized at the end of the book.