The Geometry of Spacetime von Rainer Oloff | A Mathematical Introduction to Relativity Theory | ISBN 9783031161414

The Geometry of Spacetime

A Mathematical Introduction to Relativity Theory

von Rainer Oloff
Buchcover The Geometry of Spacetime | Rainer Oloff | EAN 9783031161414 | ISBN 3-031-16141-6 | ISBN 978-3-031-16141-4

The Geometry of Spacetime

A Mathematical Introduction to Relativity Theory

von Rainer Oloff

This book systematically develops the mathematical foundations of the theory of relativity and links them to physical relations. For this purpose, differential geometry on manifolds is introduced first, including differentiation and integration, and special relativity is presented as tensor calculus on tangential spaces. Using Einstein's field equations relating curvature to matter, the relativistic effects in the solar system including black holes are discussed in detail. 

The text is aimed at students of physics and mathematics and assumes only basic knowledge of classical differential and integral calculus and linear algebra.