The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician von Andre Weil | ISBN 9783034897075

The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician

von Andre Weil, übersetzt von Jennifer Gage
Buchcover The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician | Andre Weil | EAN 9783034897075 | ISBN 3-0348-9707-3 | ISBN 978-3-0348-9707-5

The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician

von Andre Weil, übersetzt von Jennifer Gage

From reviews: "Extremely readable... rare testimony of a period of the history of 20th century mathematics. Includes very interesting recollections on the author's participation in the formation of the Bourbaki Group, tells of his meetings and conversations with leading mathematicians, reflects his views on mathematics. The book describes an extraordinary career of an exceptional man and mathematicians. Strongly recommended to specialists as well as to the general public." --EMS Newsletter (1992)