Galileo Spirals Out of Control von Chiara Pastorini | ISBN 9783035803723

Galileo Spirals Out of Control

von Chiara Pastorini, Junli Song und Frédéric Morlot, aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Jordan Lee Schnee

Autor / AutorinChiara Pastorini
Übersetzt vonJordan Lee Schnee

Autor / AutorinJunli Song
Autor / AutorinFrédéric Morlot
Buchcover Galileo Spirals Out of Control | Chiara Pastorini | EAN 9783035803723 | ISBN 3-0358-0372-2 | ISBN 978-3-0358-0372-3

Galileo Spirals Out of Control

von Chiara Pastorini, Junli Song und Frédéric Morlot, aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Jordan Lee Schnee

Autor / AutorinChiara Pastorini
Übersetzt vonJordan Lee Schnee

Autor / AutorinJunli Song
Autor / AutorinFrédéric Morlot

Who is throwing melons and pumpkins from the highest tower in Pisa? It’s the mad scientist Galileo Galilei, confounding the old ideas of the Greeks around Aristotle. The strange old fellow does science everywhere, even in the taverns, and when he meets a whirling dervish, he comes up with an outrageous idea: what if, against all appearances, the earth wasn’t the center of the universe and everything revolved around the sun, around, around … he thinks, and begins to feel dizzy.


The latest book in the series Plato & Co. revolves around one of the philosophers who changed our view of the world like almost no one else.