Social Media and Religious Change | ISBN 9783110270495

Social Media and Religious Change

herausgegeben von Marie Gillespie, David Eric John Herbert und Anita Greenhill
Herausgegeben vonMarie Gillespie
Herausgegeben vonDavid Eric John Herbert
Herausgegeben vonAnita Greenhill
Buchcover Social Media and Religious Change  | EAN 9783110270495 | ISBN 3-11-027049-8 | ISBN 978-3-11-027049-5

Social Media and Religious Change

herausgegeben von Marie Gillespie, David Eric John Herbert und Anita Greenhill
Herausgegeben vonMarie Gillespie
Herausgegeben vonDavid Eric John Herbert
Herausgegeben vonAnita Greenhill
Amongst books on religion and the internet, this collection is distinctive in addressing the interaction between social and mass media in the construction of contemporary religion and spirituality, and public understandings of them. Topics discussed include the implications of social media for religious authority, the implications of mediatisation for community relations, and the challenges of social media for traditionally bounded religious communities.