Gender in the Book of Ben Sira von Teresa Ann Ellis | Divine Wisdom, Erotic Poetry, and the Garden of Eden | ISBN 9783110330908

Gender in the Book of Ben Sira

Divine Wisdom, Erotic Poetry, and the Garden of Eden

von Teresa Ann Ellis
Buchcover Gender in the Book of Ben Sira | Teresa Ann Ellis | EAN 9783110330908 | ISBN 3-11-033090-3 | ISBN 978-3-11-033090-8

Gender in the Book of Ben Sira

Divine Wisdom, Erotic Poetry, and the Garden of Eden

von Teresa Ann Ellis
Scholars who accept Ben Sira’s comments on women at face-value or ignore parallel comments about men preclude fundamental questions about the functions of these statements and about their contexts. Gender in the Book of Ben Sira provides a distinctly-different perspective on the discourse of gender in the extant Hebrew manuscripts. The focus on wordplay, genre-constraints, and topics named in the book’s subtitle—Divine Wisdom, Erotic Poetry, and the Garden of Eden—expands the boundaries for studies of gender.