Elementare Differentialgeometrie von Christian Bär | ISBN 9783110336818

Elementare Differentialgeometrie

von Christian Bär
Buchcover Elementare Differentialgeometrie | Christian Bär | EAN 9783110336818 | ISBN 3-11-033681-2 | ISBN 978-3-11-033681-8
From reviews of previous editions: „This is a highly recommendable textbook dealing with an introduction to differential geometry. It presents all features which are important for a useful text to be taken by a student as a background to become acquainted with the subject and to have a reference for further studies available [...]“ — Bernd Wegner, Zentralblatt für Mathematik „A terrific new book on differential geometry: a preliminary chapter eases the way from the familiar axiomatic treatment into the differential perspective. There are also very good discussions about discrete approximations to curves and surfaces, a complete proof of the existence of triangulations on surfaces, and a beautiful discussion of cartography and constant curvature geometries. Bär provides plenty of intuition and many examples, while not stinting on the rigor.“ — Rafe Mazzeo, Stanford University

Elementare Differentialgeometrie

von Christian Bär
Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine Einführung in die Differentialgeometrie von Kurven und Flächen. Es ist in der vorliegenden dritten, überarbeiteten Auflage um Lösungshinweise sowie Anwendungen in der Kartografie erweitert. Themen sind u. a. euklidische Geometrie, Kurventheorie, Flächentheorie, Krümmungsbegriffe, Minimalflächen, Riemannsche Geometrie und der Satz von Gauß-Bonnet.