Hellenistische Agorai von Barbara Sielhorst | Gestaltung, Rezeption und Semantik eines urbanen Raumes | ISBN 9783110345193

Hellenistische Agorai

Gestaltung, Rezeption und Semantik eines urbanen Raumes

von Barbara Sielhorst
Buchcover Hellenistische Agorai | Barbara Sielhorst | EAN 9783110345193 | ISBN 3-11-034519-6 | ISBN 978-3-11-034519-3

Hellenistische Agorai

Gestaltung, Rezeption und Semantik eines urbanen Raumes

von Barbara Sielhorst
As the social, political, and economic center of public life in a polis, the agora underwent profound changes during the Hellenistic period. This study examines agorai as symbolically charged spaces; analyzing them sheds light on the societies they helped to shape. The findings show that during the Hellenistic period agorai had a crucial role in generating a polis-specific identity.