Justes, justice, justification von Christophe Singer | Harmoniques pauliniennes dans l’évangile de Luc | ISBN 9783110462104

Justes, justice, justification

Harmoniques pauliniennes dans l’évangile de Luc

von Christophe Singer
Buchcover Justes, justice, justification | Christophe Singer | EAN 9783110462104 | ISBN 3-11-046210-9 | ISBN 978-3-11-046210-4

Justes, justice, justification

Harmoniques pauliniennes dans l’évangile de Luc

von Christophe Singer
Re-opening the file „Luke and Paul“ in a hermeneutic and theological light, far from the historical problems linked to the Acts of the apostles, Christophe Singer picks up throughout the third Gospel the narrative development of a fundamental theme of Paul's Kerygma : justification. Luke's account appears here much closer theologically to Paul's letters than generally conceded by a historico-critical interpretation.