Audionarratology | Interfaces of Sound and Narrative | ISBN 9783110472769


Interfaces of Sound and Narrative

herausgegeben von Jarmila Mildorf und Till Kinzel
Herausgegeben vonJarmila Mildorf
Herausgegeben vonTill Kinzel
Buchcover Audionarratology  | EAN 9783110472769 | ISBN 3-11-047276-7 | ISBN 978-3-11-047276-9


Interfaces of Sound and Narrative

herausgegeben von Jarmila Mildorf und Till Kinzel
Herausgegeben vonJarmila Mildorf
Herausgegeben vonTill Kinzel
Audionarratology is a new 'postclassical' narratology that explores interfaces of sound, voice, music and narrative in different media and across disciplinary boundaries. This is the first book to bring together cutting-edge research on audio art and forms of sound narration hitherto neglected in narratology: radio plays, audiobooks, audio guides, mobile phone theatre, performance poetry, concept albums, digital stories, computer games, songs.