Ionic Surfactants and Aqueous Solutions | Biomolecules, Metals and Nanoparticles | ISBN 9783110564815

Ionic Surfactants and Aqueous Solutions

Biomolecules, Metals and Nanoparticles

herausgegeben von Juan H. Vera und Grazyna Wilczek-Vera
Herausgegeben vonJuan H. Vera
Herausgegeben vonGrazyna Wilczek-Vera
Buchcover Ionic Surfactants and Aqueous Solutions  | EAN 9783110564815 | ISBN 3-11-056481-5 | ISBN 978-3-11-056481-5

Ionic Surfactants and Aqueous Solutions

Biomolecules, Metals and Nanoparticles

herausgegeben von Juan H. Vera und Grazyna Wilczek-Vera
Herausgegeben vonJuan H. Vera
Herausgegeben vonGrazyna Wilczek-Vera
This book describes the development of patented methods to extract biomolecules and heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions by using surfactants and micelles. Physicochemical basics as well as computational modelling studies analyse and explain the observed phenomena. Additionally, nanoparticle formation using surfactants and the sulfonation in emulsions are discussed.