Aquatic Chemistry von Ori Lahav | for Water and Wastewater Treatment Applications | ISBN 9783110603927

Aquatic Chemistry

for Water and Wastewater Treatment Applications

von Ori Lahav und Liat Birnhack
Autor / AutorinOri Lahav
Autor / AutorinLiat Birnhack
Buchcover Aquatic Chemistry | Ori Lahav | EAN 9783110603927 | ISBN 3-11-060392-6 | ISBN 978-3-11-060392-7

Aquatic Chemistry

for Water and Wastewater Treatment Applications

von Ori Lahav und Liat Birnhack
Autor / AutorinOri Lahav
Autor / AutorinLiat Birnhack

This book provides chemical concepts as well as crucial steps for inorganic water and wastewater treatment. Examples and tools help to understand and to guide through industrial and natural water process engineering. Chemical and environmental engineers, researchers and professionals, as well as students benefit from this concise and explanatory book.