NATO and the Baltic Approaches 1949–1989 von Peter Bogason | When Perception was Reality | ISBN 9783111234625

NATO and the Baltic Approaches 1949–1989

When Perception was Reality

von Peter Bogason
Buchcover NATO and the Baltic Approaches 1949–1989 | Peter Bogason | EAN 9783111234625 | ISBN 3-11-123462-2 | ISBN 978-3-11-123462-5
Inhaltsverzeichnis 1

NATO and the Baltic Approaches 1949–1989

When Perception was Reality

von Peter Bogason

The theme of the book is the creation of tactics for littoral warfare – as opposed to the more common blue ocean perspective. Themes are how NATO perceived the goals of the enemy; the purposes of the NATO organisations, the military instruments they had to organise, the organization of cooperation among units from sovereign states, and how they tested their military capabilities. Research is based on war plans and tactics of the Danish and West German navies and their planned support from air forces. We follow the modernisations of the navies from guns to missiles. Tactical discussions among military top offi cers are laid bare, and intelligence reports about the Warsaw Pact and its military capabilities are presented. Exercises are analysed based on the military reports.