Shaping the Past von Ylva Grufstedt | Counterfactual History and Game Design Practice in Digital Strategy Games | ISBN 9783111520742

Shaping the Past

Counterfactual History and Game Design Practice in Digital Strategy Games

von Ylva Grufstedt
Buchcover Shaping the Past | Ylva Grufstedt | EAN 9783111520742 | ISBN 3-11-152074-9 | ISBN 978-3-11-152074-2

„A high-quality and welcome addition to scholarship on counterfactuals in gaming, and an excellent contribution to the growing body of work on game production studies.“ – Thomas Apperley , Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies, Tampere University, Finnland

Shaping the Past

Counterfactual History and Game Design Practice in Digital Strategy Games

von Ylva Grufstedt

Ylva Grufstedt investigates the role of counterfactuals in uses of history through game designers and through digital strategy games. It discusses the content, form and perspectives that define different types of counterfactuals in the context of game-making – an effort to outline and detail the values and frameworks that shape the past in this popular media.